Title: Bar Louise - Barbizon, France
Assignment: In this particular project, our task was to select a chef featured on Netflix's "Chef's Table," and my choice was the renowned French chef, Alain Passard. Subsequently, we were tasked with crafting a plausible backstory for a new restaurant helmed by our chosen chef. The project entailed the development of a cohesive aesthetic elements, branding strategy, and a captivating storyline that harmonized with the chef's vision and culinary expertise.
Design Goals: In crafting my restaurant concept, I delved into Alain Passard's formative years, specifically focusing on his cherished memories of learning the culinary arts and gardening from his grandmother, Louise. To pay homage to his childhood in the picturesque French countryside, I selected Barbizon, France, as the ideal location. Immersed in a historic building, my vision for the restaurant's aesthetic was to authentically capture the essence of a childhood home. While preserving the building's historical integrity, I aimed to infuse the space with a delightful blend of quirkiness and authenticity, evoking a sense of nostalgia and warmth.